Who we Are
Mission Hills is a community church situated on the beautiful city on a hill, Mission, BC.
We are a group of Christ followers who understand our great need for God in our lives. We believe in the triune God: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, and that this God sent His Son to redeem this world. We believe that God in grace reveals Himself through His Word, and this Word is the ultimate authority in all things in life and in death.
While we are not and never will be a church that “has it all together”, we trust that God is leading us, working in us and shining his light through us in this dark world. We meet together on Sunday mornings and would love to have you join us.
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We would love to hear from you. Please drop us an email and let us know who you are so we can connect with you.

Click below to listen to past messages shared with Mission Hills congregation.

Live Feed
Join us for our Sunday services online uploaded at 10:30 am every Sunday! Click below to link to our Facebook page.
Our Mission Statement
"Mission Hills Community Church is gathering families on the journey of life to discover wholeness, happiness and hope in Jesus Christ."
Contact US
33522 7th Ave Mission, BC V2V 2E7
(Seven-day Adventist Building)
Mailing Address:
PO. Box 20018
RPO STN. Mission Hills
Mission, BC, V2V 7P8