The Chosen -- Series
The Chosen is a 2020 television drama based on the life of Christ. It created through the eyes of the different characters who have met Jesus. It is unique because of its perspective, but also because it is crowd funded, meaning that is not produced by a network and is intended to be distributed through online streaming services.
It gives us a fictional perspective on Bible events through the eyes of those around Jesus, but attempts to make it true to the heart of the Gospel. You are encouraged to read along in the Bible to imagine for yourself what it might have looked like. It produces a fresh look at the gospels and while it has no rating it is appropriate for ages 8+.
Join our Wednesday Night Watch Parties as we host the series on Facebook.
Where to find the THE CHOSEN SERIES
Website: https://studios.vidangel.com/the-chosen/
Youtube Channel: The Chosen
Facebook: InsideTheChosen
The Chose APP: https://thechosen.tv/app